viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Sea Monster Battle Seen in Prehistoric Bite Marks

May 5,2011

Illustration from DEA Picture Library/Getty Images

This article is about this group of scientis who found a fosil of some kind of respitl-dolphin which fussil show a lot of engury which they infer that the animal must have been a very agressive prepator. "It was a really aggressive encounter" and featured a marine battle tactic not unfamiliar today, said paleontologist Benjamin Kear. Also there have been other founds in Australia of the moster on the sea. They found the reptile-dolphin called Ichthyosaurs, "giant crocodile things" was Kronosaurus and other animals. "Most of what you'd recognize in the oceans today were there, including sharks, shellfish, squid, starfish, and so on," Kear said. "Just take out whales and seals and replace them with ichthyosaurs, giant crocodile things with flippers, weird Loch Ness creatures, and other monsters." This has been a very important discovery since now there is closer look at how the life in the sea during the pre-historic time.

This article interested my because it talks about the living things that where in the sea which is hard to know much about it, since the sea is so big and deep is to hard to look fussils in it which is very bad because it would be very cool to know more about how was life in sea suring the pre-history. I think that to know about the pass and how things were befores is very important.

This is relead to my life because every day things are changing and we are evoluting as people and phisycally. But there are also things out side that are changing and is very interesting to know how was before and how as time pass they change and become what they were before. I think is nice to know about the pass of everything, well for me it is interesting and is relead to my life.

1 comentario:

  1. Good Article. Remember to check your spelling. You can always put this into a word and check spelling before putting it in.
