viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Sea Monster Battle Seen in Prehistoric Bite Marks

May 5,2011

Illustration from DEA Picture Library/Getty Images

This article is about this group of scientis who found a fosil of some kind of respitl-dolphin which fussil show a lot of engury which they infer that the animal must have been a very agressive prepator. "It was a really aggressive encounter" and featured a marine battle tactic not unfamiliar today, said paleontologist Benjamin Kear. Also there have been other founds in Australia of the moster on the sea. They found the reptile-dolphin called Ichthyosaurs, "giant crocodile things" was Kronosaurus and other animals. "Most of what you'd recognize in the oceans today were there, including sharks, shellfish, squid, starfish, and so on," Kear said. "Just take out whales and seals and replace them with ichthyosaurs, giant crocodile things with flippers, weird Loch Ness creatures, and other monsters." This has been a very important discovery since now there is closer look at how the life in the sea during the pre-historic time.

This article interested my because it talks about the living things that where in the sea which is hard to know much about it, since the sea is so big and deep is to hard to look fussils in it which is very bad because it would be very cool to know more about how was life in sea suring the pre-history. I think that to know about the pass and how things were befores is very important.

This is relead to my life because every day things are changing and we are evoluting as people and phisycally. But there are also things out side that are changing and is very interesting to know how was before and how as time pass they change and become what they were before. I think is nice to know about the pass of everything, well for me it is interesting and is relead to my life.

martes, 29 de marzo de 2011

Earth Getting Mysteriously Windier

Cristina G.

Earth has become stormier in the past few decades (pictured, wind blows dandelion seeds).

Photograph by Norbert Rosing, National Geographic

Over the past 20 years the wind power has increase. It has increase 5% and in the storms about a 10%. The scientist Ian Young have been recording sin 1985 the wind power and he said that "Some regional studies had found similar results, so we suspected there may be an increasing trend,". He record the information using satellite that used a technology kind of like the the natural radar of the bads. Which as the wind blows harder the fainter the echo, giving some measure of the force of the ocean's winds. What causes this is still a mystery, but if this is cause by global warming, this is what Mr. Young says about it "If this is related to global warming—and this is speculation—it indicates that either the intensity of storms is increasing or the frequency of storms is increasing,". Still the consequences of very strong winds can be a desaster for the ecosystem and the cost civilization.

It was interesting for me because it talks about how our plant, our home is changing. Changes are important whether they are bad or good, because depending on the changes we can make decisions and be aware of what are the positive or/and negative things of this change and also what are the thing that we need to change, because as the Earth is changing we need to change with it in order to adapt to it. For this reason is related to my life, because depending on the changes, I may have to change my life in order to survive.

For more info:

lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

New African Wolf Discovered

Cristina G.

Animal sighted in Eritrea, likely to be the new species of African wolf. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of Oxford)

ScienceDaily (Jan. 31, 2011) — Scientists studying genetic evidence have discovered a new species of wolf living in Africa.

The discovery, by a team from Oxford University's Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), the University of Oslo, and Addis Ababa University, shows that the mysterious animal know as the "Egyptian jackal" is actually a grey wolf. They explain that grey wolf 3 millions ago were first in Africa before spreading to the north part of the Earth. Professor David Macdonald director of Oxford University's WildCRU, said " A wolf in Africa is not only important conservation news, but raises fascinating biological questions about how the new African wolf evolved and lived alongside not only the real golden jackals but also the vanishingly rare Ethiopian wolf, which is a very different species with which the new discovery should not be confused."

Professor Claudio Sillero, also of the WildCRU, who has worked in Ethiopia for more than two decades, said: 'This discovery contributes to our understanding of the biogeography of Afroalpine fauna, an assemblage of species with African and Eurasian ancestry which evolved. This discovery is a very important because the genetics of this species is new there is no DNA like this gray wolf. Also this may help scientific research about genetics, and evolution. Since this wolf is so rare, scientist encourage the protection and also the change of the name.

I found this article interesting because it talks about genetics which something that in class we are studying in class, not only that also because is about something new that we the humans found and new things are always interesting and is good to know about it.

In our life new things are something that everybody want to know about it. A new type of wolf in Africa is like a super cool found and it shows how cool, interesting and that Earth has lot of surprises and in order to see them we need to take care of it.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

Halloween Candy: Frequency, Not Amount, Raises Cavity Risk

By Cristina G.

Halloween can present a very scary time of year for any parent concerned about their child's oral health, since your kids will probably come home with that big haul of candy from trick or treating. But should you let them immediately gorge themselves on the candy and get it out of their system? Temple University pediatric dentist Mark Helpin thinks that might not be such a bad idea. (Credit: iStockphoto/Bochkarev Photography)

ScienceDaily (Oct. 31, 2010) — Halloween can present a very scary time of year for any parent concerned about their child's oral health, since your kids will probably come home with that big haul of candy from trick or treating. But should you let them immediately gorge themselves on the candy and get it out of their system?

This article is about the candies and caries that Halloween bring. Mark Helpin form the Temple University, who is a pediatric dentist, said that "The frequency of eating candy, and other refined carbohydrates, and their stickiness, are big factors in creating the risk of caries (cavities),". The candies produce caries because the candies have carbohydrates that makes the mouth to produce PH (a acidic), this raise the change of caries. Mr. Helpin says that "If I eat a piece of candy now, the pH in my mouth will become acidic, and it will take 30-60 minutes for it to become normal. If I eat 2 or 3 pieces of candy when I eat that first one, my mouth stays acid the same length of time that it would if I ate just that single piece. It's still 30-60 minutes. If I keep eating candy throughout the day, there is acid in my mouth for a much longer period of time. The longer teeth are in an acid environment, the greater the risk they will become decayed"

The acting chair of pediatric dentistry at Temple's Maurice H. Kornberg School of Dentistry, believe that parents are able to control and decrease the rick of caries, and at the same time their children can enjoy the holiday. What parents can do is let the kids eat a bunch of candies and then later another bunch, but not eat one by one is n0o very good, and also give it as a dessert or snack. A good time to give candies are when is food time since the mouth produce lot of saliva which helps to get away the acidity inside the mouth. Helpi recommends that after eating candies is good to brush their teeth or rinse with water 3 or 4 timer their mouth with water. Also is better to avoid candies that can stick in the teeth because this is "the food" of the bacterias and for a long time. Finally, "it's not realistic to think you can tell your child you can't have candy, cookies, cakes, or other treats," says Helpin. "Those are the things most people enjoy -- and we want our kids to enjoy life."

I think that this article because is very is something that happen a lot and also because we are in the Halloween holiday and this is like the main problem in this time. Since I was a kid a love candies a lot and this causes lot of mouth problems and this article gave lot of useful recommendation in order to have a healthy mouth and said lot of true. I think that in every kid life candies are very important (no idea why is a feeling that I have and I believe lot of child does). I still love them especially chocolate, but I and everybody should learn that we need to learn how to have control in order to not get sick and mouth problems, we do not really want rotten teeth. I got lot of experiences with candies when I was a kid I have even been in the hospital for eatting a bag of candies it was awesome at first but then is became horrible... especially because doctor said that I have to be very careful because I would have high sugar in the blood, so yeah.

If you want to know more about...

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

The Price of Popularity: Drug and Alcohol Consumption

By Cristina G.

Our study highlights a correlation between popularity and consumption," says Jean-Sébastien Fallu, lead researcher and professor at the Université de Montréal's School of Psychoeducation. "The teenagers we studied were well-accepted, very sensitive to social codes, and understood the compromises that it takes to be popular. (Credit Mail Online New/ sciencedaily)

ScienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2010) — The consumption of drugs and alcohol by teenagers is not just about rebellion or emotional troubles. It's about being one of the cool kids, according to a study by led by researchers at the Université de Montréal.

This article is about a study that Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the National Health Research and Development Program, and the Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture. And Fallu conducted the study with the help of Frank Vitaro, Stéphane Cantin and doctoral student, Frédéric Brière of the Université de Montréal School of Psychoeducation as well as students at the University of Oslo. These organisations did it for the past years as a collective work.. In order to study how popularity in teenagers, in this case student, causes the consummation of drugs and alcohol. The people that were use for the study were 500 French- speak students in differences moments in their life; at ages 10 and 11, 12 to 13 and 14 to 15. Taking in account the popularity of the students , their friends and also tracked the students consumption of alcohol and drugs.

The study show that the students increase their consumption and that as the student got older stops to take in account their popularity level. The study also show that as the students were more popular and their friends too, there for their consumption increase much more. But if the students friends were popular, the student have a greater consumption but if the student have no popular friends this case does not apply, according to the study. The results suggest that the popular teenagers that have popular friends have a risk of consume drugs and alcohol because they want to maintain their popularity, and the teenagers that are not popular have also a risk but not that much to consummate drug and alcohol but instead of becoming violent people.

I found this article very interesting because since I am a teenager I am interest in what does sciences and studies show about us in this time of our life, but not only because of that also because this have to be with me life, I want to know what are the factors that make teenager become people that have problems with alcohol and drugs, because I think that at this time of our life we need to learn what things are bad or good. I watch in the TV lot of news and programs about girls of my age with this problem I think is very sad and I did not really understand why do they do that, before I read this article I was not very clear if it was because they were lonely and the drugs and alcohol help her but then this article some how show me that people not only consume because the feel sad also they do that because is the price that people have to pay to be part of the "popular people society of teenagers" and the price people pays to stay in it.

What to know more about this article go to :

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Over 50? You Probably Prefer Negative Stories About Young People

By Cristina G.

ScienceDaily (Aug. 30, 2010) When given a choice, older people prefer to read negative news,rather than positive news, about young adults, a new study suggests. In fact, older readers who chose to read negative stories about young individuals actually get a small boost in their self-esteem, according to the results.

This article is about the study that Silva Knobloch-Westerwick a associate professor of communication at Ohio University and Matthias Hastall of Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen in Germany made to find out what does young and old people read at the news paper and magazine. So in other to do this 178 young adults (18 to 30 years old ) and 98 old adults (50-65 years old)were ask to do a test and in this test they got to choose what of the articles that they show them which of them attack more them attention.

After they finish their test, the young and old adults made like a quiz to measure their self-esteem. The result were, that the older adults group when the read articles about something negative that happen to a young people the old people self-esteem get a little bit higher and the young people prefer to read articles bout young people most of the time but it does not really change their self-esteem.

Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick said that his happen because "older people, on the other hand, have greater certainty regarding their identity. However, living in a youth-centered culture, they may appreciate a boost in self-esteem. That's why they prefer the negative stories about younger people, who are seen as having a higher status in our society". Thanks to this study now we know what do old people read on the news paper and magazines, they read about negative story about young people. The result of this study shows how "people's social identity helps shape what media messages we choose." and that age is just another factor of this social identity.

This article is interesting to me because it was like an answer to my question to my granddad. When he came last weekend to visit me he bought the new paper and he was reading it and then I ask him why is he always reading sad things like the accident of this family and this like that, and no things like science , technology or celebrities. I say " I am not interest in that kind of stuff", but I still did not getter. So I found this article and it was awesome, it kind of answer to my question in a scientific way. and this is also the way how it connect with my live, my curiosity of why my grandmother and grandfather act the way the act, like an answer of one of my questions.