miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

The Price of Popularity: Drug and Alcohol Consumption

By Cristina G.

Our study highlights a correlation between popularity and consumption," says Jean-Sébastien Fallu, lead researcher and professor at the Université de Montréal's School of Psychoeducation. "The teenagers we studied were well-accepted, very sensitive to social codes, and understood the compromises that it takes to be popular. (Credit Mail Online New/ sciencedaily)

ScienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2010) — The consumption of drugs and alcohol by teenagers is not just about rebellion or emotional troubles. It's about being one of the cool kids, according to a study by led by researchers at the Université de Montréal.

This article is about a study that Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the National Health Research and Development Program, and the Fonds Québécois de Recherche sur la Société et la Culture. And Fallu conducted the study with the help of Frank Vitaro, Stéphane Cantin and doctoral student, Frédéric Brière of the Université de Montréal School of Psychoeducation as well as students at the University of Oslo. These organisations did it for the past years as a collective work.. In order to study how popularity in teenagers, in this case student, causes the consummation of drugs and alcohol. The people that were use for the study were 500 French- speak students in differences moments in their life; at ages 10 and 11, 12 to 13 and 14 to 15. Taking in account the popularity of the students , their friends and also tracked the students consumption of alcohol and drugs.

The study show that the students increase their consumption and that as the student got older stops to take in account their popularity level. The study also show that as the students were more popular and their friends too, there for their consumption increase much more. But if the students friends were popular, the student have a greater consumption but if the student have no popular friends this case does not apply, according to the study. The results suggest that the popular teenagers that have popular friends have a risk of consume drugs and alcohol because they want to maintain their popularity, and the teenagers that are not popular have also a risk but not that much to consummate drug and alcohol but instead of becoming violent people.

I found this article very interesting because since I am a teenager I am interest in what does sciences and studies show about us in this time of our life, but not only because of that also because this have to be with me life, I want to know what are the factors that make teenager become people that have problems with alcohol and drugs, because I think that at this time of our life we need to learn what things are bad or good. I watch in the TV lot of news and programs about girls of my age with this problem I think is very sad and I did not really understand why do they do that, before I read this article I was not very clear if it was because they were lonely and the drugs and alcohol help her but then this article some how show me that people not only consume because the feel sad also they do that because is the price that people have to pay to be part of the "popular people society of teenagers" and the price people pays to stay in it.

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